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At Thewes & Reuter, Pierre Reuter has 'substantial experience and high-level litigation skills' and Marc Thewes is noted for his public sector employment expertise work. Read more...

‘The very analytical Pierre Reuter is sharp, efficient, professional and demonstrates highly ethical behaviour.' Read more...
Avocat à la Cour
Marc THEWES est avocat à Luxembourg depuis 1991 et jouit d'une excellente réputation comme avocat du contentieux et spécialiste en droit public. Il enseigne à l'Université du Luxembourg et est l'auteur de très nombreuses publications. Afficher son profil complet
Avocat à la Cour
Luc TECQMENNE pratique à Luxembourg depuis 1994. Il a une grande expérience du contentieux civil et commercial et assume de nombreux mandats judiciaires (tutelles, curatelles, mandats ad hoc).
Afficher le profil complet de cet avocat

Benefiting from 'deep knowledge of the Luxembourg real estate industry and legal framework', Thewes & Reuter·is particularly accomplished in relation to litigation arising in the sector, as well as on any public law related matters Read more...

Marc Thewes gains recognition from market commentators for his strength in insurance, banking and liability disputes. He offers further experience in shareholder disputes and insolvency proceedings. Read more...

Pierre Reuter·leads on many of the major financial and corporate disputes handled by the firm, and is appreciated by clients for his 'calm demeanour' and 'honest evaluation of all the facts and the likelihood of success'. Read more...

The 'responsive and efficient' team at Thewes & Reuter provides 'clear and detailed advice' across a range of public law and financial services disputes. The 'excellent' Marc Thewes specialises in public sector litigation. Read more...

Handles a broad range of disputes on a domestic and multi-jurisdictional level. Has a particular focus on litigation in the banking, finance and investment sectors. Also offers strength in matters involving the public sector. Acts on liability mandates and shareholders' disputes, as well as construction-related matters. Read more...

Thewes & Reuter has a 'high level of real estate experience and knowledge of Luxembourgish court procedures' and is consequently particularly strong at handling disputes arising in the sector, as well as on any public law-related matters, including planning and building permits. Read more...
At Thewes & Reuter, founding partners Marc Thewes and Pierre Reuter have a significant focus on litigation impacting clients in the private and public sectors. Read more...
Avocat à la Cour
Pierre REUTER est admis au Barreau depuis 1991. Ses domaines d'activité principaux sont le droit du travail et le contentieux civil et commercial. Il est spécialisé dans le contentieux financier et bancaire et les différends sociaux. Afficher son profil complet
"Thewes & Reuter has a reputation for real estate litigation and regulatory work, although recent work also includes financial services litigation. Marc Thewes has ‘the ability to look at the global picture’”.
"Thewes & Reuter provides ‘excellent service’ and has ‘sound knowledge’ of IP matters. Clients include online retailers, pharmaceuticals companies and the firm also receives referral work from international law firms”. Read more...
Esteemed litigation boutique noted for its expertise in public sector disputes, including public procurements and PPPs. Also highly active in complex commercial and financial services litigation with cross-border aspects. Read more...
Senior partner Marc Thewes comes recognised as "very earnest and thorough" by clients. His litigation experience is bolstered by further expertise in IP, IT and public business law. Read more...
Pierre Reuter is recommended for his work on employment law within the aviation industry, notably acting for pilots on their labour law concerns. He receives praise from clients: "He's knowledgeable about aviation law and is very technical." Read more...
Thewes & Reuter is particularly accomplished at handling construction disputes. The firm is praised for its “knowledge of the market and decisions taken by courts in other EU countries”. Marc Thewes and senior associate Thibault Chevrier are “very efficient and quick to reach a profound understanding of complex affairs." Read more...
Headed by founding partner Marc Thewes, Thewes & Reuter has a significant pedigree in IP rights work. Thewes is regularly engaged in high-profile trade mark disputes. Read more...
Senior partner Marc Thewes comes recognised as "very earnest and thorough" by clients. His litigation experience is bolstered by further expertise in IP, IT and public business law. Read more...
Pierre Reuter is recommended for his work on employment law within the aviation industry, notably acting for pilots on their labour law concerns. He receives praise from clients: "He's knowledgeable about aviation law and is very technical." Read more...
Thewes & Reuter is particularly accomplished at handling construction disputes. The firm is praised for its “knowledge of the market and decisions taken by courts in other EU countries”.
Headed by founding partner Marc Thewes, Thewes & Reuter has a significant pedigree in IP rights work. Thewes is regularly engaged in high-profile trade mark disputes. Read more...
Le cabinet THEWES & REUTER a été crée en 1995. Le cabinet jouit d'une réputation d'excellence. Nous sommes connus pour notre capacité à nous occuper de dossiers qui, de par leurs enjeux ou en raison de la technicité des questions posées, sortent de l'ordinaire.
Nous sommes au service des entreprises, des administrations et des particuliers aussi bien dans le domaine du conseil juridique que dans le celui de la représentation en justice.
Le cabinet THEWES & REUTER est connu pour sa très grande expertise juridique. Nos points forts sont le conseil en droit commercial, droit des sociétés, droit immobilier, droit des contrats et droit du travail. Nous disposons encore d'une grande expérience du droit patrimonial, du droit des successions, du droit de la consommation et aussi du droit pénal.
Notre compétence dans le droit public et le droit administratif est reconnue et nous conseillons de nombreux clients, tant du secteur privé que du secteur public, dans des matières comme les marchés publics, les concessions, le droit d'établissement, le droit de la nature et la réglementation administrative des activités économiques.
THEWES & REUTER est l'un des leaders de la place en matière de propriété intellectuelle, notamment dans le droit des brevets et des marques mais aussi dans des domaines plus pointus comme les autorisations de mise sur le marché de médicaments.
Le cabinet est encore connu pour ses compétences particulières dans le domaine du droit de l'internet et des nouvelles technologies et dans le droit des télécommunications et des médias.